What Your Toothache Is Trying To Tell You and Why You Should Listen

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Toothaches can often be excruciating and are usually the body’s way of signaling that something is wrong in your mouth. As oral surgeons, we have encountered various toothache scenarios over the years, each offering unique insights into the underlying issues. Today we are sharing what your toothache is trying to tell you and examining different types of tooth pain to see what they might mean.

What Your Toothache Is Telling You

1-Sensitivity to Hot and Cold: One common indicator of dental trouble is sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. If sipping on a cup of hot coffee or enjoying an ice-cold treat sends shooting pain through your teeth, it’s often a sign of enamel erosion, a cavity or gum recession. These issues can expose the sensitive nerves within your teeth, causing extreme discomfort. It’s crucial to address these symptoms promptly to prevent further damage from arising.

2-Constant Aching in One Tooth: A persistent, localized ache in one tooth is a clear sign that there is an issue with that specific tooth. This pain could be from a deep cavity, a cracked tooth or an infection in the pulp. When you experience this type of toothache, it’s crucial to visit an oral surgeon to identify and address the root cause.

3-Severe Gum Pain: Gum pain is often overlooked, but it can be a clear indication of problems developing below the surface. Gum diseases, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, can cause your gums to become inflamed and tender to the touch. If left untreated, these conditions can lead to tooth loss. When your gums hurt, it’s a signal that it’s time to step up your oral hygiene routine and consult with our oral surgeon.

4-Acute Jaw Pain: Jaw pain, especially when it’s concentrated near your ear, could be a sign of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). TMJ issues can cause pain while chewing, talking or even when at rest. In some cases, our oral surgeon may need to intervene to correct severe TMJ problems. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to relieving jaw discomfort and preventing further complications.

5-Orofacial Pain: Sometimes, a toothache isn’t limited to just one tooth and manifests as orofacial pain, affecting various parts of the face. This type of pain can indicate a more complex dental issue, such as impacted wisdom teeth or sinus problems. Our oral surgeons are trained to diagnose and treat these intricate problems that might be causing your orofacial pain.

6-Dull, Yet Persistent Pressure: If you’re experiencing a dull, persistent pressure in your mouth, it may be from a dental abscess, a pocket of infection occurring at the root of a tooth. Abscesses can cause not only pain but also swelling, fever and a bad taste in your mouth. If you suspect you have an abscess, seeking immediate care is crucial to prevent the infection from spreading further.

7-Sharp, Throbbing Pain: A sharp, throbbing pain in your tooth can be a red flag for an acute dental concern. This type of pain often accompanies dental emergencies like a cracked tooth, severe infection or a tooth that has been knocked loose. Such situations require immediate attention to address the problem and alleviate the pain.

Signs You Need To Seek Help

Your toothache is more than just an inconvenience; it’s a message from your body that something is amiss. Signs include:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Constant aching in one tooth
  • Severe gum pain
  • Acute jaw pain
  • Orofacial pain
  • Dull, yet persistent pressure
  • Sharp, throbbing pain

Call Today

Seeking help is critical, as ignoring these red flags can lead to more significant problems down the road. Our oral surgeon is here to help you decipher the messages your toothache is sending and provide prompt treatment. If your teeth are telling you something is wrong, don’t procrastinate, give our experienced team a call and get the help you need!